A successful first date is often followed by a second. But many doubts whether they are in too much of a hurry - or, vice versa, see each other rarely? How do you know how much time is worth dating a person you barely know and what regarding texting before the first date?
Many people who have some experience in relationships have developed their views on how to build relationships. Usually, guys propose to date those girls they already know and with whom they managed to spend some time. In this case, it is easy to comprehend how the girl is feeling. You should remember or comprehend her behavior after the 2-3 dates. If the girl likes the partner, then she will proceed to communicate with him and walk. If the girl's sympathy has not appeared during this time or, on the contrary, even the one that was has disappeared, she will move away and avoid dating. It`s difficult to spend time with a person who does not even sympathize with you.
Basically, after 5-7 successful dates, the girl expects a proposal to become a couple from a guy. Accordingly, it does not matter for her what the proposal itself will be; the main point is that it should take place. You can make one of these 2 suggestions:
Making an invitation via the Internet or SMS, you show disrespect and frivolity to your intentions.
If we talk about building the relationship itself, you need to decide what is important to you and what you seek.
Of course, not all people desire to see partners daily. Many value their freedom. You should talk regarding your views on such points. Then it will be easier to find a solution that works for both.
Relationship professionals believe there is a rule for the first months of a relationship! Yes, it happens that you meet a partner and since then communicate daily, or even start living together in a week. Or, vice versa, see each other once a month. There is a great option to date twice a week. So you both will have time for yourself to evaluate your feelings and get bored, and on the other hand, you are constantly in touch and do not lose emotional contact. Suppose your date more often (especially at the initiative of one of the parties). In that case, it may turn out that one invests in a new relationship much more and literally imposes itself on the other. And this, of course, daily one desires to avoid. If you see each other less often than, for example, on one workday and one day off, you can slow down the development of events to such an extent that you will date each time as if anew. Even though this is a recommendation from relationship specialists, the decision must be made based on many factors. Nobody has the right to forbid you to see each other day and get bored, parting for 10 minutes!
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